Benefits of Yoga to our mental and physical health
Yoga is for everyone and everyone should be doing it. It is a spiritual, physical and mental practise which has benefits that are second too none. Today we will be exploring the multiple benefits regular practice of yoga has to our mental and physical well-being. The word yoga was derived from the ancient Indian language ‘Sanskrit’ originates from the word “Yuj” which means ‘to yoke’ or ‘to bind’. Using a variety of poses and breathing techniques along with spoken mantras and more, yoga has scientifically been proven to improve flexibility and strength whilst also bringing harmony between both our body and mind. Whether you are hopelessly inflexible or have terrible balance everyone can learn. Yoga is just like anything else and truly only gets better and better with more and more practice.
For those who struggle with mental health disorders like anxiety and panic disorders, Yoga can be extremely beneficial. A common symptom of anxiety and panic disorders is irregular breathing, heart rate and difficulty calming the nervous system. Through deep breathing exercises and general acknowledgment of our breathing patterns, yoga can regulate our heart rate and breathing, and encourages you to be in the present moment with each pose being practiced. This essentially will assist in managing negative thoughts and feelings at our own pace through the practice of bringing our mind and body together at the same time. Just like the box method exercise mentioned in one of our previous blogs on anxiety, the acknowledgment of our breathing will encourage you to deter away from the interference of negative thoughts when allowing yourself to focus on something you can control.
I have always been super interested in practicing yoga myself, however it has only been recently that I have begun my journey with yoga. I have seen amazing benefits, and strongly encourage everyone to get involved. I have found after my Monday afternoon yoga sessions a huge improvement in my quality and longevity of sleep. I am someone who struggles to fall asleep and will often toss and turn for over an hour before drifting off. However, due to the overall body exertion, flexibility and breathing techniques required for yoga, I have experienced much better sleep for longer and am able to fall asleep much faster than usual. I have also come to find that since beginning my yoga sessions, I am much more aware of my breath and actively practice deep breathing during my everyday life much more often. On that note, did you know ancient yogis believed that each one of us had a certain number of breaths and therefore practiced yoga as it was a way of slowing down their breathing to ultimately prolong their lifespan? The benefits of yoga go on and on. I have also noticed an increase in my ability to balance and my flexibility over the course of the few weeks that I have been performing different stretches and poses for yoga. Overall yoga is extremely underrated and the science behind it’s benefits to each and every one of us is phenomenal. Whether you are someone who struggle with mental illness or just wants to move their body and have fun, yoga is for you. It is for everyone.
My weekly challenge to you all is to find a space you feel comfortable in and research even 1 or 2 poses to get you started with yoga. You can also find plenty of YouTube videos that walk you through guided meditations and breathing exercises. I guarantee that you will see numerous improvements in your mental and physical well-being immediately. If you don’t already, please follow our instagram (@dwellyouthhub) to enquire about joining our weekly yoga sessions every Monday afternoon!
Written by J J Barnshaw.